Masayuki NAKAO / Advisor

Practice areas
Production Engineering, Mechanical Design, Creative Design, Failure Studies

Education & Career summary

  • 2024 Advisor to KSI Partners Law & Patent Firm
  • 2024 Advisor to the "10x Entrepreneurship Project", Division of University Corporate Relations, The University of Tokyo
  • 2024 Manager of the “Project for Establishing a Production Technology Base in Japan”, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
  • 2024 Professor Emeritus after retirement from the University of Tokyo
  • 2006 Professor of Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
  • 2002 Professor of Institute of Engineering Innovation, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
  • 1992 Moved to Associate Professor, Department of Engineering Synthesis, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
  • 1991 Doctor of Engineering from The University of Tokyo
  • 1989 Seconded to HMT Technology Corp (California, USA)
  • 1983 Joined Hitachi Metals, Ltd. and developed thin-film magnetic disks
  • 1983 Master of Engineering, Department of Engineering Synthesis, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo


●Characteristics of Research

Many manufacturing companies (Komatsu, Toyota, Kubota, AGC, Furukawa Electric, Sony, Daikin, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Machine Tool, Kyocera, etc.) have established social collaboration courses to promote joint research between industry and academia until 2024.  From 2024, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) is added to this project to establish a joint research system between industry, government and academia.


●Involvement with Patents

I have written nearly 100 patents with my collaborators so far.  Even if they are implemented by my collaborators, there has been little return for me except for a small increase in research funding.  Starting in 2024, I am working with young students and researchers to help them start their own businesses, not only on how to patent their inventions, but also on how to earn money by linking them to businesses.